What Comes With Your Self Defense Keychain?
All Self Defense Keychains come with a Personal Safety Alarm with attached LED Light, a Window Breaker and Seatbelt Cutter, a Pepper Spray and the Signature Kitty Claws.
Personal Alarm & LED Light
Each Personal Safety Alarm has an attached LED Light feature. The light will flash when the alarm is triggered. The alarm sounds at 130 db and will not turn off until the trigger is push back to its original location.
Kitty Claws
Kitty Claws are a cute, fun and functional tool added to each keychain. They can be used to add claws to your own paws.
Pepper Spray
Our Pepper Sprays come in a variety of colors that are pre-selected to complement each keychain. They are all equipped with a locking feature so that they are not discharged unintentionally.
Window Breaker & Seatbelt Cutter
Window Breakers are essential if you are trapped in a car. These window breakers are exceptionally easy to use. Unlike other products, the ones that come with our Self Defense Keychains use vibration to shatter windows instead of sheer force. There is also an attached seatbelt cutter.